Liebster Awards - get to know me!
1. Why did you start blogging?
I started because I was constantly finding products I loved/hated/had an opinion about and I wanted to spread the word about it and let others know my thoughts. So I thought I'd start with an Instagram first before I thought to start a blog to share my detailed thoughts on products!
2. Who is your favourite blogger/vlogger?
Tough question! I think one person I'm making sure I keep up to date with is ItsJudysLife with her daily vlogs of her life with her husband and adorable kids. And probably the youtuber Weylie who does vlogs with her boyfriend (I mainly watch it because they're funny but also because they have adorable dogs)
3. What's your favourite thing to do other than blog in your spare time?
Easy question - to eatπ I'm constantly trying to find new places to eat at with my boyfriend, it's our favourite thing to do
4. What's your favourite film?
Ah there are so many to choose from! I've literally spent a good ten minutes trying to choose one but I can't! So probably the Harry Potter series
5. What/where's your favourite place you've visited?
I would probably say Bali or the islands of Thailand, the most beautiful serene places I've ever been toπ
6. What's your favourite social media platform?
Probably instagram! I love connecting with everyone, seeing their photos and getting an insight on their life! It's a great way to find new people to connect with too!
7. What's your favourite meal?
Probably either my mum's spaghetti bolognese or a good Sunday roast ππ
8. Where's your favourite place to shop?
I'd have to say asos, I love finding bargains and fab finds on the website - not to mention they carry a ton of brands and makeup brands as well! Gotta love the extra 10% student discount they give as well!
9. What's your favourite TV show?
My all time favourite probably has to be Friends, but it's closely followed by How I Met Your Mother, and Suits
10. What item could you not live without?
As predicted, it would be my phone. I'm constantly having it in my hand or by my side, to keep in touch with my friends and family as well as checking my emails for work and uni!
I feel technology has advanced so much now that you can't live without your phone - you can shop for things on apps on your phone, you can pay using your phone, do banking on your phone - literally you can basically do everything on your phone these days!
So those were Ellie's questions answered! And here are my set of questions:
1. What's your favourite thing about blogging?
2. Who is your inspiration in life?
3. Where do you hope to see yourself in 10 years time?
4. What's your favourite ice cream flavour?
5. If you had to choose only one social media platform to use forever and stop using everything else, which would it be?
6. What genre of movies do you enjoy most, eg comedy, cartoon, sci-fi etc..?
7. What's one make up product you couldn't live without?
8. What is your favourite make up brand for all products?
9. What's your favourite season and why?
10. What's your favourite cuisine?
I'm tagging everyone who reads this! Feel free to do this, discover new bloggers and connect with more people!
Hope you guys enjoyed reading a little more about me!
Lots of love
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